The water supply of the city began in 1956, while the construction of the double old reservoir (underground – water tower) was completed in 1962, according to the needs of the city.
The diameter of the network pipes were quite small about 100 to 125 mm for their main pipelines. The sections of the networks were made of asbestos-cement pipes.
The operation of the water supply, due to the construction conditions and the current condition of the pipes, presents many and serious problems and specifically:
a. Water loss is too high as it reaches over 100% of the actual consumption.
b. Damages occur in the networks every day and also foreign bodies (soils, etc.) enter the pipes.
c. The water pressure in the network is much lower than that required for the normal operation of the water supply.
Three boreholes have been drilled in the northwestern part of the city and have been equipped with pumping units, installed inside small buildings.