DEYAM Vehicle insurance premiums – 2022
D.E.Y.A.M. decides:
The direct assignment with sealed offers, by completing an invoice for the service: DEYAM VEHICLE INSURANCE 2022.
The budget of the supply amounts to € 5,350.00 with the following terms:
- The offers will be evaluated on Monday 14/02/2022 at 13:15 at the offices of DEYAM.
- Those interested who wish to submit a written offer can submit it to the offices of DEYAM until Monday 14/02/2022 at 13:00
- Eligible to participate are all natural or legal persons, commercial agents and cooperatives, which carry out activity related to the object of the draft tender.
- The award will be made to whoever offers, according to the specifications, the most economical offer.
- The certification of performance of the service will be done by the competent committee.
- The payment of the contractor will be made in euros within 60 days with the issuance of respective payment invoices.
- This is a declaration, a summary of which will be posted on the site of DEYAM.
ΕΝΕΡΓΕΙΑ-ΓΙΑ-ΑΝΑΘΕΣΗ-ΣΥΛΛΟΓΗ-ΠΡΟΣΦΟΡΩΝ_2022DYou can download the “Declaration Form” here:
You can download the whole study from here:
You can download the “financial offer form template” from here: